Lifespan of helmets
You should replace your helmet if it has any cracks or bumps and make sure that the buckle, straps and a possible size-adjustable system are intact.
Your helmet - bike helmet or skate helmet - does not live forever. That is why it is important to be aware of damage and wear, which reduce the helmet’s ability to protect optimally.
When should I replace my helmet?
All skate helmets or cycle helmets should be replaced after a serious blow even if there are no obvious signs of damage. The helmet may well be split inside even though it is not visible to the naked eye. Sweat can also ruin the foam, which the inner shell is made of and which makes the shell shock absorbing. If the foam shows any sign of wear or cracks, you should replace the helmet.
It is recommended that you replace the helmet every five years at regular use.
As kids grow, it is also important to keep in mind that the helmet still fits and protects well.
How do I examine my helmet?
If you can say yes to any of the following questions, it means that your bike helmet or skate helmet is in a poor condition and should be replaced.
- Does the outer shell has any cracks, scrapings or bumps? Examine the outer shell. If the color is faded, this can indicate that the plastic has been tenderized by UV-radiation from the sun and by the wind, and you should therefore replace the helmet.
- Are there any signs of cracks or aging in the inner shell? Turn the helmet around, take out the padding and examine the inner shell.
- Do the buckles and straps work poorly? Inspect to see if the buckles click together properly and if the straps are nice and unharmed.
- Do you have issues tightening and loosening the size-adjustable system? Some helmets have a rotary buckle at the back which can be used to adjust the size to a tailored and comfortable fit. If the buckle doesn't work optimally, the helmet should be replaced.