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Turnamic Pro от Fischer крепления для беговых лыж премиум класса, и они предназначены для классического стиля катания. Классические крепления, подобные этим, сконструированы таким образом, чтобы обеспечить хороший подъем пятки для отталкивания назад и подъема на холм. Вам понравится легкая конструкция, особенно при ускорении и достижении максимальной скорости. Что касается совместимости с ботинками, то эти крепления подходят для ботинок NNN, Prolink (NNN) и Turnamic (NNN).
- Крепления могут быть установлены только на IFP Turnamic Plate
Тип лыж:
Совместимость с ботинками:
NNN, Prolink (NNN), Turnamic (NNN)
Вес одной пары:
Совместимость с платформой:
IFP Turnamic Plate
Отзывы (18)
"Easy to install, and work well. I love that I can adjust the grip/glide easily by shifting them." | |
Aaron N. (Kamloops) | 25/02/2025 |
"Easy to open/close. Happy with the bindings" | |
polina t. (Thornhill) | 19/01/2021 |
"Great! I appreciated having the bindings installed for me, thank you!" | |
Dionne S. (St. Albert) | 19/01/2021 |
"Great binding, I really enjoy the adjustability." | |
Eric N. (Vernon) | 17/01/2021 |
"Awesome" | |
ryan hollis (innisfail) | 07/01/2021 |
"Our family loves these bindings!! They are easy to use and Skatepro service installing them to our boot specs was fantastic!" | |
Nicole E. (Calgary) | 04/01/2021 |
"As advertised, installed by SkatePro. Great service." | |
John Marshall (Burlington) | 31/12/2020 |
"5 stars!!! I purchased these bindings that went with my ski purchase recommended by your staff experts. They complemented the skiis with style and function!!.So Thanks to You Alll!! Packed by Niels Processing Serviced by Anton Processing Picked by Nikolaj. Also received them in a very timely manner to the States!!" | |
john r donicht (carlton) | 18/02/2019 |
"The sideways turn to get in and out of the binding is easy. There are no instructions, included with the bindings, so I had to go online to see how to adjust the forward / backward position, which affects grip and glide. This is my first NNN compatible boots/bindings system, as I had the SNS system with the two bar attatchment classic binding, that was sold for about 18 months, a while ago, so the feel is VERY different. Closer to the ski, and the bar further forward on the boot. I can see that it will be better in classic, but will make step turns more difficult. Not sure if I will like the NNN system in Skate." | |
Leonie K. (Blaine) | 05/01/2018 |