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Одни из самых популярных детских роликов, которые также подходят для начинающих. Нога расположена очень низко для лучшего контроля с большими колесами снаружи. Размер всего конька можно отрегулировать, чтобы он рос вместе с ребенком и служил дольше. Хорошая стабильность в щиколотке, съемная и промываемая подкладка. Застежки, которые не открываются сами по себе и подшипники медленного вращения - повышают безопасность начинающих роллеров, а также подлежат замене.
Ботинок регулируемый по размеру :
Тип ботинка:
Уровень Навыка:
Extra features:
Материал рамы:
2x Buckles, Security buckle
Материал ботинка:
Точность подшипника:
Не указано
Макс. вес пользователя:
20 kg
Отзывы (115)
"Verkligen kul första rullskridskor. Vår snart 4-åring tyckte de var jättefina och kul att åka med. De har inte så bra rull, vilken är positivt för dessa och verkade lätt att komma igång med. Inget att klaga på. Bra att man kan justera storleken på samma skridsko (som jag fattar det, har inte testat)." | |
Robert Carlsson (Johanneshov) | 19/06/2024 |
"I love these stomper skates for beginners. Both my children (5 & 7) have these skates and they are ideal. The stopper at the back helps prevent them falling backwards and the adjustable size means that they are getting great use out of the skates. The larger back wheels really help with stability. These skates have really boosted their confidence. I can’t wait to upgrade them to their next pair of SFR." | |
Amanda Ogmen (Midleton) | 05/05/2024 |
"Alt for fede!" | |
HANNE ADELE HOLMRIIS (København NV) | 09/10/2023 |
"Mon fils est ravi. Produit de qualité" | |
Zraouli ibrahim (Bruxelle) | 21/04/2023 |
"Super Rollschuhe, lassen sich leicht vergrössern. Jedoch vom Gewicht her etwas schwer. Ansonsten top!" | |
Melissa G. (Naters) | 09/05/2022 |
"I had this product in my hands I ordered the wrong size and had to return BUT they are amazing Quality is great!" | |
Monika Wal (BOSTON) | 16/03/2022 |
"Conforme à la description. Enfant de 3 ans en confiance avec le système de roues. Bon maintien. Livraison rapide." | |
D. Gisèle (Le Blanc Mesnil) | 22/02/2022 |
"The shell is ok, but the liner, boot is verry bad, the material of the base is bent and does not fit the shell. I ordered this product for their size (23)" | |
Cătălina L. (Roșu) | 15/02/2022 |
Ответ SkatePro: Hi Cătălina, We are sorry to hear about this fail/ defect 😕 Don't forget that you can always contact us when products present some defects or just feel weird on trial. We are here to help you to analyze the products and coming up with solutions and replacements at any time 😊 Have a great day. |
"My two year old loves it, she is size 7 in toddler and the skates I boutght were size 6-9j , they fit great!" | |
K. Bello (Flowery Branch) | 31/01/2022 |
"Loved them! So did my grandson. He is two years old so they are perfect for beginners." | |
Collette Sessions (Hackney) | 05/01/2022 |
"Fast delivery, great quality product." | |
Clare Younger (Edinburgh) | 05/01/2022 |
"Bought for a 6 year old grandson who was staying over Christmas, he enjoyed them very much - as did his 8 year old brother and 2 cousins aged 5 and 7. And NO bad accidents or disagreements in spite of the relatively small space available and the need to share them around. Such a successful present that we'll probably end up giving such a gift to the other grandchildren as their various birthdays arrive. They were only used indoors, I've no idea how well they'd survive outdoors." | |
Peter S. (Ladock) | 04/01/2022 |
"Very comfortable, children's skates with adjustable size, very easy to adjust and very safe. Very high quality." | |
Marta Rodrigues Oliveira (Amadora) | 24/11/2021 |
"Super fast shipping to Canada, amazing quality… my son is 3 and loves these roller blades." | |
Katelyn K. (Whitby) | 13/09/2021 |