✋ К сожалению, в данный момент доставка в Россию невозможна (Последнее обновление: 10 март)
Revolution II ролики созданы для рампы, трюков и скольжения. Эта модель агрессивных роликов от Anarchy имеет качественный жесткий ботинок.
Агрессивные ролики от Anarchy маломерят. Мы рекомендуем выбирать на один размер больше, чем ваш обычный размер обуви.
- Высокая манжета (каф) обеспечат вас максимальной поддержкой голиностопа для стабилизации и уменьшения мышечной усталости
- 57mm колеса с жесткостью 94A и широким профилем для быстрого ускорения и твердого приземления с трюков
Не забудьте проверить болты перед первым использованием и при необходимости подтянуть их. Также обратите внимание, что после этого вам необходимо регулярно проверять состояние болтов.
Совместимо с
Найти товары совместимые с Anarchy Revolution II агрессивные ролики:

Ботинок регулируемый по размеру :
Диаметр колес:
Жесткость колес:
Тип рамы:
Плоский изгиб
Skill Level:
Тип ботинка:
Функции внутренника:
Съемный, Амортизатор, Анатомическая форма
Шнуровка, Бакля
Точность подшипника:
Материал рамы:
Материал ботинка:
Материал внутренника:
Высокая боковая поддержка
Бэксайд плейт:
Рекомендуется для:
Агрессивные ролики
Отзывы (146)
"В Екатеринбург шли около трёх недель. Качество великолепное, мощные, тяжёлые, основательные, надёжные, - то, что нужно! Сын в восторге, огромное спасибо!" | |
Татьяна Пехташева (Екатеринбург) | 21/01/2021 |
"Bequem und qualitiv super" | |
Aaron S. (Waedenswil) | 06/02/2025 |
"The skates are visually impressive and arrived in a timely manner. However, the packaging was significantly damaged. As this was intended as a gift, we were quite disheartened to find that the product box lacked adequate protection, especially after investing nearly $300 in the skates. Consequently, it appears as though we are presenting a used item as a gift. We reached out to the company, but unfortunately, no action was taken." | |
Kylie macvicar (Creston) | 24/01/2025 |
Ответ SkatePro: Thank you for your review, Kylie. We are truly sorry to see this happened. We have reached out to your email to see if we can solve this situation further. // Your Team SkatePro ❤️ |
"Fantastic! Theses blades are Great, they glide ultra smooth & are very comfortable having them about a month now. Glad I made the decision to purchase these! 🥳" | |
Bret W. (Denver) | 05/11/2024 |
"Skøjterne er desværre ekstremt tunge og klodsede og kuglelejerne er sløve og langsomme og selv efter længere tids indkøring kom de aldrig rigtig i gang. Kombinationen af dette gør desværre, at det er meget udmattende at få fart på skøjterne og man skal bruge ekstra meget energi end normalt for at holde farten oppe. Kvaliteten af skøjterne er skuffende og efter ganske få ganges brug i skatepark er det ikke længere muligt, at lukke den ene af spænderne og den anden springer op efter at være spændt. Fra starten har det været svært at spænde dem ordentligt grundet designet af cuff’en, men nu kan de slet ikke lukke til og springer op. Når cuff spændes til gør designet, at pasformen udfordres og den føles derfor klodset på både fod og underben. Brug nogle få hundrede kroner mere og få en både bedre og mere holdbar skøjte end denne. Der findes langt bedre alternativer på markedet end denne." | |
Tonny Jensen (Fredensborg) | 01/11/2024 |
Ответ SkatePro: Hej Tommy. Tusind tak for at tage dig tid til at skrive en anmeldelse. Ift. de problemer du oplever med skøjten må du meget gerne kontakte os på Email@skatepro.dk, så vil vi meget gerne hjælpe med at finde en løsning. Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig. |
"Ikke de bedste jeg har haft men virker til at fungere , men vil alligevel sige i skulle skaffe jer nogle freestyle frames ☺️" | |
Martin Glibstrup Frandsen (Varde) | 27/08/2024 |
"Trop swag" | |
Bonjour Jean-Philippe (Soral) | 27/08/2024 |
"Beautiful skates, they are a lot heavier than I thought but fun! The size chart helped a lot so I would highly recommend following it. Fits perfectly!! Skates looked new, no dents, scratches, or marks of any kind. Great product will definitely be purchasing more from Skatepro!!" | |
Tahmi Kandace Mason (Atlantic City) | 05/08/2024 |
"Really nice price skates" | |
Jesse L Pulliam (Fairdale) | 28/06/2024 |
"Pesado, mas muito bom e de qualidade otima pelo preso." | |
Ответ SkatePro: Muito obrigado por disponibilizar do seu tempo para partilhar o seu feedback conosco. |
"good" | |
Carol Ratté (Quebec) | 28/05/2024 |
"Used them for the first time last weekend and found them decently comfortable but difficult to fasten tightly enough to feel supported enough as e beginner. This is probably due to having bought the skates bigger as is recommended. However, due to me generally needing a 6.5 + 1 making it a 7.5 as recommended, but only full sizes being available I went with an 8 out of worry that a 7 would be too small. This felt fine while trying them on indoors which changed once I went to actually skate with them. I like the space this size gives my feet, however, tightening the cuff can be a bit of a challenge as the black plastic ends up overlapping quite a bit. I think the size issue also wouldn't be that much of a problem if the skates had an additional option to fasten around the joint like many other skates have." | |
Magdalena M. (Newcastle upon Tyne) | 20/05/2024 |
"I just wanted to say great set of blades but the wheels are shitty I put them on and I rode them not even a mile and the wheels split down the middle on all of them in sorry to me that really burns me up I wish there was a way u guys could remedy this situation cause now I don't have any wheels to ride with and some grease I'll send photos if you'd like me to." | |
Robert godinez (Van Nuys) | 18/05/2024 |
Ответ SkatePro: Hi Robert, thank you for taking your time to give us feedback. Sorry to hear this! We will reach out to you separately. / Your SkatePro Team |
"Great for the price. Heavy, not much movement in the cuff but should improve with use. Remind me of Oxygen's from back in the day." | |
Craig Dalglish (Osborne Park) | 01/05/2024 |
Ответ SkatePro: Hi Craig, thank you for taking your time to give us feedback. Happy to hear you're satisfied with our products! ❤️ / Your SkatePro Team |