
X35 110 ролики для фрискейта


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X35 110 фрискейта предназначены для городского фристайла и фрискейта. Эта модель роликов для фрискейта от Roces имеет качественный жесткий ботинок.

Ролики для фрискейта от Roces маломерят. Мы рекомендуем выбирать на один размер больше, чем ваш обычный размер обуви.

  • Высокая манжета (каф) обеспечат вас максимальной поддержкой голиностопа для стабилизации и уменьшения мышечной усталости
  • Алюминиевая рама дает хорошую управляемость оставаясь при этом очень легкой
  • 110mm колеса с жесткостью 85A отлично подходят для завершения этой установки
  • Тормоза входят в комплект для тех, кому нужна дополнительная тормозная система

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Совместимо с

Найти товары совместимые с Roces X35 110 ролики для фрискейта:

Совместимо с


Диаметр колес:
Жесткость колес:
Колесная база:
Тип ботинка:
Уровень Навыка:
Материал рамы:
Функции внутренника:
Вентилируемый, Амортизатор, Анатомическая форма
Асимметричная шнуровка, 2x Бакля с микро-регулировкой
Точность подшипника:
Тип рамы:
Плоский изгиб, 3-х колесный
Макс. диаметр колес:
Материал ботинка:
Пластик, Композит
Материал внутренника:
Сетка, Memory foam
Стабильная, Высокая боковая поддержка, Integrated carrying loop
Да, Включено (опционно)
Рекомендуется для:
Фристайл ролики, Тренировочные ролики

Отзывы   (33)

Проверенный покупатель
"Haven't had new skates in over 20 years. What an amazing difference. Riding on 110 mm wheels.....SO FAST! Absolutely love em!"
M. Rimel (Gilbert) 29/09/2021
Проверенный покупатель
"Wonderful skates! I was concerned about the height/speed/etc but pleased that it was super easy to use them. So much fun passing all those slow MFs on the bike path 😂"
Mathilde Weems (Long Beach) 25/01/2021
Проверенный покупатель
"I bought these skates essentially to enable me to cross-train as a Nordic/ cross-country skier due to current travel restrictions generally preventing skiing this winter. The skates are very fast and will likely not be super easy for an absolute beginner to work with, although these skates are not billed as particularly being for beginners. The skates are though exceptionally manoeuvrable, even with the larger diameter wheels that they have. I generally skate longer distances, mostly on the flat and these skates work excellently and give back so much in return for proper technique. The path I typically use has polished small slabs, with some unevenness, but the larger diameter of the wheels well-copes with such surface imperfections, even at speed."
Jason Marshall (Tyneside) 14/01/2021
Проверенный покупатель
"In the beginning they seemed sloppy and hard to control also i panicked because they are really fast i mean really fast. I dont use the optional brake so it was hard to find the right ballance to make sudden turns in order to slow down or to stop but after a while they made sense in any way... making high speed turns slalom is very easy when you understand them. Excellent product totally worth the money"
VICTOR POPOVICI (Liverpool) 04/11/2020
Проверенный покупатель
"My wife love it!!! Looks nice and feels like a pro! Confortable!!!"
eurides amaral (Bradenton) 09/10/2020
Проверенный покупатель
"Overall size (12) was as expected, but they were too narrow in the middle of the foot (I got sores and blisters the first time I used them). I was able to fix it with fairly aggressive heat molding. With the bigger wheels these skates are noticeably taller, so 6'1 me wearing these is kind of ridiculous and intimidating and I love it."
Rain G. (Redmond) 20/09/2020
Проверенный покупатель
"Beautiful skates, smooth ride, comfortable sturdy boot. But the brake is very soft and wears quickly. If you can control speed and stop without the brake, these skates are golden. But if you rely on the brake for speed control and stopping you won’t be happy with these."
Sandra Penner (London) 03/09/2020
Ответ SkatePro:  Hi Sandra,

Thanks a lot for your review!

It's going to be really helpful to our customers, thanks for the feedback.

Проверенный покупатель
"The perfect in-line skate. Quality, precision, and style. I’m a big guy, 6’3 230 lbs, size 14. These skate are perfect. I’m in love with my new hobby 💪🏾"
R. Hawkins (Fort Lauderdale) 02/09/2020
Проверенный покупатель
"I got this pair as my first set of inline skates. An interesting choice right? The learning curve was noticeable to a novice such as myself. However, I am very happy with them, and my skating experience has been nothing but fun."
Brooke Daskiewich (Rome) 25/08/2020
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