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Наколенники ENNUI от ST Pro предназначены не только для защиты коленей от царапин и травм, но и для придания вам уверенности в себе. С этими наколенниками вы можете сосредоточиться на выполнении трюков и стремиться к лучшим результатам во время катания на скейте, роликах или BMX.
Отзывы (8)
"I have these and I usually wear them under my farmers, it saved my knee more than once while on the ice. Very comfortable and while the silicone lining inside falls apart in a year or more, it still is sitting on the knee firmly and the stretchiness still remains."
K. Szabolcs (Budapest)
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"I have really big calfs and thighs, so selecting sizing was challenging for me…but I followed Skatepro and Ennui sizing guides and these fit well. Fit on kneecap is spot on, fit on calfs is really good and fit on thighs is bit tight…but manageable. Hard kneecap is better than I expected. Sleeve material is really good, seams long lasting. I have just used these for one month, so can’t tell yet for sure.
These can be used under trousers or with shorts.
Has good silicone lining on the edge to keep it in place.
These feel really comfortable when i’m in “skating position” but feels just a bit uncomfortable when I’m in walking position…so maybe not best for walking in between skating (but this might be because of my big thighs)."
Matti T. (Helsinki)
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"Top c est ma 2 eme paire j aime bien ce produit"
Nielli cyrille (Sucy-en-Brie)
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"Protection optimale, très confortable et pour autant flexible et légère! Un véritable plus pour des genouillères car souvent trop volumineuses. Ici, tout est top!"
DUFOUR Valérie (Saint-Paul-et-Valmalle)
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Elodie Balland (Thorey en plaine)
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"confortable et protection tres correcte mais tiennent un peu chaud"